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St Margaret's On Sunday 21st July 2024


Sermons are recorded and the podcasts can be accessed via the website podcast page here.

Supporting our Foodbank

St. Margaret’s has a collecting box at the back of Church for donations to the Slough Foodbank. 

Thank you for your generous support.




    10.30 a.m. Morning Prayer (Book of Common Prayer)

     New English Hymnal 332, 333, 457.

  • First Reading- Deuteronomy Chapter 30 verses 1-10
  • Second Reading- 1 Peter Chapter 3 verses 13-22
  • Psalm 67; 70


    4.00 p.m -  Patronal Festival

       Please join us at 4 p.m. for some cream scones and tea/coffee in the Parish Room in celebration.


    6.00 p.m. Eucharist Service (equivalent of Red Book) – Fr. John.

     New English Hymnal 353, 339, 379, 420.

  • First Reading- Jeremiah Chapter 23 verses 1-6
  • Second Reading- Ephesians Chapter 2 verses 13-18
  • Gospel- Mark Chapter 6 verses 30-34



 7.30 p.m.  Bible Study in the Parish Room.



10.00 a.m. Holy Communion (equivalent of Red Book) - Fr. John


Next Sunday  - The Ninth Sunday After Trinity (28th July 2024)

10.30 a.m. Morning Prayer (Book of Common Prayer)

6.00 p.m. Eucharist Service (equivalent of Red Book)  - Fr. John


The Interregnum

During the Interregnum there will be a Mass every Sunday evening at 6 p.m. At 10.30 a.m. there will be a Sung Eucharist or Morning Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer. The Wednesday celebration at 10 a.m.  will continue through the interregnum. We welcome Fr Simon Douglas Lane on Wednesday his week and Fr Stuart King next Sunday evening.



Opportunity to Visit Walsingham with Fr. John

Fr. John has kindly invited us to join his church on their pilgrimage to Walsingham on 18th-21st November 2024.  The cost of the accommodation will be £275 (full board).  (We will need to provide our own.)  If you are interested in going, please ring Sue on 07855 298283.

Volunteering Opportunity

If anyone would like to volunteer to help our churchyard team on Saturday mornings please telephone 07855 298283

Bible Study

Our weekly Bible Study group meets on Tuesdays at 7.30 p.m.



Our Welcome Team- a service opportunity!

We need new members for our Welcome Team at the 10.30 service on Sundays- are you able to help us with this important job- welcoming people to our services? Could you join  the rota to help once a month? Contact Sue Boon. 

St, Margaret’s also needs help to run our worship services, and children’s ministry as well as our Community activities (the Jam Ministries). Look at the insert and see if God might be calling you to an opportunity to serve him here!

Serving together in God’s family is something to which he calls all Christians according to their gifts and talents. In serving Christ:

  • Our faith is strengthened through depending on him
  • Our fellowship grows as we get to know and love our brothers and sisters in the Church family
  • Our Father God is given glory through our service-

 ‘ let your light shine before others, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven’  (Matthew 5:16)

We have several opportunities for you to serve in the family of St. Margaret’s- check out these and see if God wants you to help!


Coffee after Services

We serve coffee etc. on Wednesdays after the 10 a.m. service and on Sundays after the 10.30 a.m. service. Could you help on a rota basis?  


 Vintage JAM Lunch

The next lunch for the over 65s is on Thursday, 4 July 2024 - 12 noon – 2.00 p.m.






Volunteering Opportunity

If anyone would like to volunteer to help our churchyard team on Saturday mornings please telephone 07855 298283


Welcome Team

This ministry of welcoming people into the Church is so important! If you could help welcoming worshippers on Sunday mornings, contact Sue Boon


The Vintage Jam Team

Vintage Jam is a monthly free lunch for Senior Citizens. We serve lunch in the Parish Room on the first Thursday of each month from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. If you would like to help us on a rota basis (we have two teams), please contact Sue Boon


Brass Cleaning

Our Brass Cleaning team cleans all the brasses in the Church. We meet once a month on a Wednesday and work as a team. If you could help, contact Sue Boon 



Washing Linen

Each week we have some linen to wash that has been used in Church services. If you could help by washing linen occasionally, please contact  Dee Singleton.


Churchyard Team

We meet on Saturday mornings during the growing season to maintain the Churchyard- mowing, strimming etc. If you would like to help please speak to John Lane .


Serving and Reading

At each celebration of the Eucharist one or more servers is needed. At every service we seek to have members of the congregation reading the Scripture readings. If you are interested in Serving or Reading please speak to Sue Boon


Bishop Paul's visit - 2023


Jean and Margaret preparing flower arrangements for the Confirmation and Bishop Paul's visit

The crucifer, Dee, the thurifer, Mike, Bishop Paul and Fr Andrew after the service
Bishop Paul held  a lively Q & A session after the Mass
A 'Bring & Share' lunch was held for Bishop Paul's visit
The Confirmation cake for Janine, Linda  and Chris 

 A downloadable and printable version of St Margaret's on Sunday is available ChurchPewSheet.pdf